

  1. Bring chicken stock to the boil. Place couscous into a large bowl and pour stock over CousCous, cover with cling wrap and set aside for 5 minutes.
  2. Once cooked fluff CousCous with a fork.
  3. Marinate chicken thighs with oregano, 2 tbsp olive oil and juice & zest of 1 lemon.
  4. Cook chicken on a medium to high griddle pan or bbq, for about 5 minutes on each side.
  5. Add to the cooked CousCous, mint, coriander, parsley, basil, chilli, radicchio and chilli.
  6. In a small bowl mix together oil, lemon juice and honey until well combined. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Pour half the dressing into CousCous and mix.
  8. Place couscous on a large serving dish.
  9. Cut chicken into thin strips and lay on top of Couscous and finish with remaining dressing.
  10. Serve and enjoy with family and friends!

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